Monthly Archives: June 2014

30th June 2014

Sunday Birthday Bash

70th Birthdays

This Sunday’s competition was turned into a wonderful multiple celebration, as Hazel Allsop, Bob Pickles and Zandra Hogan all celebrated similar milestone birthdays that totalled 210 years on the planet (we will leave you to do the maths!). To round it all off Bob and Jane Pickles also won the Fourball Betterball Stableford competition on countback from Peter & Jane Beale with 43 points. The birthdays were celebrated with cake and champagne. Many happy returns to you all and thank you for the additional prizes!. (The picture shows Zandra cutting the cake along with her two other birthdays celebrants plus the Captain and Lady Captain)

Algarve League Win Over Parque da Floresta

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It may have been a long time coming, but at last our Algarve League team have registered their first home win of the season. The 6 points registered against a strong Parque da Floresta team will push CGQL up the League table. Well done to the team of the Browns, the Gardners, the Heels, Denise Grayson and Michael Steimler. Not forgetting, of course, our team Captain Peter Beale, who played and won with his wife Jane, on his birthday. The next match is against Alto at home on Friday.

Morning Times During Summer Months

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As we move into the hot summer months we expect to have a lot of requirements for the relatively few times that we have allocated in the morning slot before 9.36 am. Consequently we would like to make all members aware that, should there be too much demand on any particular day, we will be requiring two ball groups to be joined together.  If you wish to play as a 2 ball you will find that there are usually times available after 12:00. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Buggies in the Buggy Park

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Our buggy park, in the basement of the clubhouse has become the temporary repository of part of the new fleet of buggies for Sociedade de Golfe. These buggies will be being fitted out over next week or so with a view to being brought into service in July.

New Painting in the Clubhouse

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Just outside the library you will see a new painting hanging, which is a very generous present donated by members of The K Club to CGQL in recognition of the Club’s visit to Dublin in August last year. The painting is a view of the 16th Hole on the Ryder Cup (Palmer) Course at the K Club where you may recall Darren Clarke chipped in on the Saturday Ryder Cup in 2006 generating an unprecedented swell of emotion!

Next Week’s Schedule

You will see from the below we have a very busy week with lots of events. For more details on these and all competitions please visit the member’s website:

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23rd June 2014

K Club Visit

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A two day match was held last Friday and Saturday against The K Club Dublin which was the return of the same event held in Dublin last summer. In excellent golfing weather conditions the 22 K Club players proved too strong for the CGQL team emerging as winners 13 ½ – 8 ½. Donal Dixon, one of the K Club guests, added to the occasion by having a hole in one on South 7, which meant the champagne was in plentiful supply at the dinner held on Saturday night. The participating K Club Members were very complimentary about our excellent hospitality and in particular the two great meals served by Joao, Rosa and the team, so our thanks go to them. The photos show the two Lady Captains who presented the prizes at the dinner and Donal being helped in serving the champagne by our own Ricardo.

Last Ladies Clinic Before Summer

This Wednesday (June 25th) will be the last Ladies Golf clinic until after the school summer holidays. It will take place from 11am-12noon on the Quinta do Lago driving range. The cost is 15€ per person.

Francis Lee Gets Hole-in-One

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It may challenge the current crop of England football players to make a mark in Group D of the World Cup in Brazil, but it’s “aces high” for one former England forward, Francis Lee. Last Wednesday he got his first ever hole-in-one. It came on the 11th hole of the South Course in the Mens’ Day Singles Stableford. Well done Francis and thanks for the champagne!!

Guests in the Spike Bar

Owing to a problem that occurred last week, we remind all members that, whereas their guests are more than welcome to use the Spike Bar, it is the member who should do the ordering through the bar staff, and who is responsible for payment of the bill. If there is any doubt the bar staff have been asked to request members for their membership number. Thank you for your co-operation.

Reminder on the North Course

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Once again we remind members and owners that Quinta do Lago are concerned that people are wandering around the new North Course whilst the new grass is seeding, and potentially causing cross contamination of grass types. Please pass on the message to anyone staying in your villa to keep off the grass for the time being. There will be plenty of time in the future to play on the North Course! Thank you.

Events for Next Week

The events for next week are listed below. Please consult the members’ website for more details:

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16th June 2014

Portugal Day Supports Local Charities


On 10th June, we celebrated Dia de Portugal in style. We were delighted to welcome some 30 guests, together with 32 members of the Associação Desportivo e Cultural de Quinta do Lago (ADCQL), making a total participation of 108 players and a further 8 joining for the post-golf barbecue. The Golf competition was won by Jorge Lopes and Jorge Castilho [pictured above on extreme left and extreme right] with 47 points (and 2 purchased mulligans!), with 2nd place to Ron and Wendy Bent from Vale do Lobo (46 points). The best Members’ score was 45 points from Frank and Svetlana Lavery which earned them 4th position. The best ‘blind’ aggregate betterball score was that of Jorge Castilho and Jorge Lopes together with Michel Van Dyke and Inge Brucke (89 points). Thanks to the generosity of the participants, the tireless work of various Members, especially Julie Heel and Jane Beale, and the generous donations of prizes, in total we raised over €4800 for local charities. So well done to all!

Special Visitor – Ricardo Perreira


At our Portuguese National day celebrations we were delighted to welcome as a guest to the club, former Portuguese international goalkeeper Ricardo Perreira. Ricardo’s most infamous contribution to English football fans, was his antics in goal during the penalty shoot-out that decided the quarter-final Euro 2004 in Lisbon. Not only did he save a penalty, but also scored the final penalty to put Portugal through. Ricardo is an excellent golfer (his handicap is 2), and, according to Peter and Jane Beale, who were in his group on Portugal Day, he hits the ball a prodigious distance – almost driving the green on South 18!. [Ricardo is pictured above with playing partner Lopes Dias – insert he celebrates his penalty goal against England in 2004]

Men’s Day Times


Further to the announcement last week about Men’s Day times for the summer (July & August), the Captain has had a change of heart – perhaps as a result of the extreme heat that we have experienced over the last few days. For 2 qualifying competitions a month (the medal and the stableford competitions) Members will be able to choose if they wish to play in the morning or the afternoon. Please enter your choice in the booking system in the comments field.

Ladies Beach Lunch

The House Committee are organising a beach lunch at Antonio’s on Wednesday 25th June. The cost of €30 per head. A notice will be going up in the clubhouse soon if you wish to attend.

Latest North Course Pictures


The North Course progresses well. The grass is down on all holes with the exception of 2,3,4,5 and 12. You can view some new pictures of the newly grassed holes on the club photo gallery. [The photo above shows the approach to the new green on North 15.]

Algarve League Defeat


Having ‘bigged up’ the Algarve Interclub League team in last week’s Newsletter, we are sorry to report that they lost their first home match to Boavista by 3.5 points to 1.5. Hope springs eternal, as they face their next opposition which is Alto away on 19th June. [The photo shows League Captain Peter Beale and Charlotte Johnston preparing to start their match against Boavista.]

Events Next Week

Please see below a list of events for next week. Please consult the members’ website for further details.


9th June 2014

Casa do Lago Road

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During a meeting with John Dwyer, the CEO of Quinta do Lago SA, your captain raised the apparent nuisance that the closure of the road around the back of Casa do Lago is to a number of members and residents. He asked me to convey the message that this has only been done for security reasons and he was well aware the closure was an annoyance and could result in loss of business for Casa do Lago and The Shack. However, the track was heavily used during the daytime by contractors, gardeners and maintenance vans passing at high speeds. With the proximity of the water sports area, swimming pool etc. a great number of children and youngsters are constantly around this area, and he did not want an accident to happen. Quinta do Lago is looking into a practical working barrier system with access codes for residents. However, they would be extremely disappointed if the residents’ codes fall into the hands of contractors and are thus misused. This would result in a closure for all passing traffic.

K Club Visit

140609 KclubWe are still looking for 4 players for the two day match against The K Club on Friday 20th & Saturday 21st June. If you are around then why not join in what will no doubt be a fun occasion, The format is mixed pairs matchplay with golf played each morning followed by lunch on the Friday and dinner on the Saturday. Cost of entry is €70pp. If you are only available to play one of the days and/or unable to join the group for meals, it may still be possible to play. Please contact David Proctor, via email or send a text to his UK mobile +447850700700 or his Portugal mobile 91 823 8756.

Men’s Day Times during Summer

The Men’s Day competitions during July and August will be scheduled as normal for afternoon starting times, and there will not be the split for optional morning & afternoon starts as has been the case in the past during the summer months. This was discussed after the last Men’s Day and, overwhelmingly, those members present expressed their preference for this for practical and social reasons.

Ladies Golf Clinic

Jose Ferreira, the head pro at the QDL Driving Range,  has agreed to hold another golf clinic at Laranjal on 18th June from 11am-12.30. This will again concentrate on the short game. The cost will be 20€pp (including water). There is a list in the ladies locker room so please sign up if you wish to attend.

Away Match at Vila Sol


The ladies have a friendly away match on Thursday 3rd July against Vila Sol. The return home match is on Thursday 17th July. We need 20 ladies for each of the fixtures. If anyone would be available for either of these dates please sign the list in the ladies locker room or e-mail the Lady Captain.

Algarve League Matches

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It’s nearly a month since our last Algarve League match, and in the intervening weeks we have slipped down the league table to 9th and last position on 24 points. However, we now start on a run of home games which, if past form is anything to go by, should yield a minimum of 6 points (i.e. 3 winning matches) per game. This , as can be seen from th detailed League Table (above) would put us back into strong contention to win the League. The first game of this ‘home’ run is against Boavista on Thursday. To follow all the games and the Club’s position in the League, please consult the Algarve League website – a link to this site is also available on the CGQL Members’ Site Home Page. If you wish to be considered for selection in future matches please email Peter Beale, the interclub league team captain at

Corrections in Last Weeks Newsletter

Sorry, but we made a couple of errors in last weeks newsletter. For the record they were:

a) The photo that accompanied the report of the Lady Captain v The Lady Vice Captain’s match was of the Ladies who halved their respect matches , not those who won, as was captioned.

b) Geoff Garbutt’s email (Away day at Silves) is

Next Week’s Events

Please note the following events scheduled for next week. For more information consult the members’ website.

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2nd June 2014

Captain v Vice Captain (Round 1)


Wednesday saw the first in the series of matches between a Captain’s team and the Vice Captain’s selection. What looked on paper a very even contest ended in a resounding win for the Vice Captain’s team 6-3. Despite this small set back, the Captain gained a measure of satisfaction when together with his playing partner, Martin Wilson, he managed to win his individual match against Vice Captain, Terry Williams, and Tony Brown. The Lladro ‘Twisted Golfer’ Trophy was duly handed to Terry…for the time being.

Lady Captain v Lady Vice Captain

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On 27th May the ladies section played the first of two scheduled match play competitions. The Lady Captain’s team versus The Lady Vice Captain’s team. 18 players per side vied for the “infamous potty”. On this occasion the Lady Captain’s side squeaked over the line to win 41/2 to 31/2. Our thanks to PremFX for sponsoring the light lunch and prizes. All who took part thoroughly enjoyed the day. [The photo shows all the ladies who won their individual matches – congratulations!]

Sunday 6 Club Competition

After last week’s success with the 20/20 competition, this week another format was tried – an AM-AM using only 6 clubs (including a putter) This format proved not only to be enjoyable, but also resulted in some pretty good scores. Many found that 6 clubs are quite enough and even make the game easier and quicker – at least there is less need to ponder club selection!  The winning team of Cliff and Pam Saunders, Val Tassell and Malcolm Howarth came in with a satisfactory 81 points just ahead of the Fords and the Poynters with 80 points.

Wolf Valley Charity Day

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A number of members took part in Vale do Lobo’s Wolf Valley charity golf competition on Saturday. It was a very good event and a chance to play one of the better courses in the Algarve for €60. We believe that none of the CGQL contingent featured in the prizes, but we all had a marvelous day in the Algarvian sunshine, and helped raise some money for local charities. Don’t forget that the CGQL Charity Day – Dia de Portugal – is on the 10th June. Details can be found on the club website. [The photo shows Mike Greenhalgh, Jane Rackham, Jo Nally and Mark Foot standing on 16th tee of the Royal Course.]

Away Day to Silves Golf

Geoff Garbutt has been busy arranging an away day to Silves Golf Course on Monday 30th June. Members will be bused from the Club to Silves, play 18 holes and then go for an early dinner at the wonderful O Barrados Restaurant between Lagoa and Silves. The total cost of the day is €110 per person including transport, a sandwich and coffee on arrival, green fee, buggy and prizes for the golf competition, and dinner at the restaurant from a pre-ordered menu (4 choices) including beer and wine. For more details and to book your place please email Geoff on or call him on his Portuguese mobile 91 2365912 or UK mobile 07734869329.

Guest Vouchers

This is a small reminder to all who don’t already know that to get the best rate for your guests playing on the South Course you must have a guest voucher. These can be purchased from the club at €62 per voucher. (Please note that they must be paid for either in cash or by Portuguese cheque – no credit cards accepted). We have now entered the low season so there are no supplementary charges to be paid until 1st September.

Captains and Past Captains Reprise


Last week we reported on the Captains and Past Captains gathering but did not include the most important photo. From left to right: David Proctor, Barbara Steinberg, Jorrit Feldpausch, Kath Kelly, Judith Greenhalgh, Geoff Garbutt, Joan Hubbard, Geoff Evans, Diane Evans, Anne Elmore, Julie Heel, Seamus Elmore, Denise Grayson, Pat Morrison, Trevor Kelly, George Farrall, Brian Hubbard, Ole Jespersen, Jane Reason, John Newhill, and David Allsop.

K Club Visit to Portugal

A return match against The K Club, Dublin, following the away match last summer, is to be held on Friday 20th & Saturday 21st June. The format of the two day event  is Mixed Pairs Betterball Matchplay with golf played on the South course each morning followed by lunch on the first day and dinner on the second day. The costs is €70pp to include prizes, meals, and all drinks. We are looking for three more couples to play so if you are around at that time and would like to take part in what no doubt will be a fun event please contact match manager, David Proctor, by email on or call/text him on his UK mobile +44 7850 700700.

Tour of South East England in August

The CGQL tour to Southern England in August continues to expand with an extra fixture now added on against the MCC on Thursday 7th August at Denham Golf Club. This adds to the fixtures already arranged with Wentworth (5th August) and Windlesham (6th August). Members who are interested in playing should contact the Vice Captain, Terry Williams, by email ( or phone (+44 7718001052).

Progress on the North Course

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Geoff Garbutt reports the following information on progress on the North Course re-build. 12 Greens have now been seeded, and 11 holes have been turfed, including the short game area that can been seen at the bottom end of the Driving Range. Holes 8 and 18 (see photo) are so advanced now that the fairways and roughs are being mowed, and news is that we can expect the first mowing of greens to commence within the next 3 weeks. Irrigation work continues on the final two holes, and the new lake on the second should be completed shortly.


In last week’s newsletter we incorrectly welcomed a new junior member as Archie Fox. His father, Alistair, distinctly remembers christening him Alfie Fox. Sorry Alfie for our mistake!

This Week Events

Please note the following events scheduled for the coming week. For more details consult the members’ website:

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